Package | |
Type | ValueSet |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 3.1.1-ci-build |
Status | active |
Date | 2025-01-29T13:38:06+00:00 |
Name | RouteOfAdministrationEDQM |
Title | EDQM - RouteOfAdministration |
Experimental | False |
Realm | ch |
Authority | hl7 |
Description | Valueset RouteOfAdministration from EDQM, ROA, export 1.6.2021, see |
Copyright | CC0-1.0 |
StructureDefinition | | ![]() | CH Core Dosage | ![]() | CH Core MedicationAdministration | ![]() | CH EMED Dosage (MedicationStatement / MedicationDispense) | ![]() | CH EMED MedicationAdministration (DIS) |
CodeSystem | |
urn:oid: ![]() | EDQM - Standard Terms |
urn:oid: ![]() | EDQMDoseForm |
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
Generated Narrative: ValueSet edqm-routeofadministration
Last updated: 2024-01-30 13:57:33+0000;
Information Source:
Profile: Shareable ValueSet
Code | Display | Comments | Deutsch (Schweiz) (German (Switzerland), de) | French (Switzerland) (fr) | Italian (Switzerland) (it) | rm |
20001000 | Auricular use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the ear. | Anwendung am Ohr | Voie auriculaire | Uso auricolare | Anwendung am Ohr |
20002500 | Buccal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the buccal cavity (pouch located between the cheek and the gum) to obtain a systemic effect | Buccale Anwendung | Voie buccogingivale | Somministrazione buccale | Buccale Anwendung |
20003000 | Cutaneous use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the skin and/or cutaneous wounds and/or nails and/or hair in order to obtain a local effect. | Anwendung auf der Haut | Voie cutanée | Uso cutaneo | Anwendung auf der Haut |
20004000 | Dental use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to and/or in the teeth or, on and/or around the nerves supplying the teeth. | dentale Anwendung | Voie dentaire | Uso dentale | dentale Anwendung |
20006000 | Endocervical use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the cervix uteri. | endozervikale Anwendung | Voie endocervicale | Uso endocervicale | endozervikale Anwendung |
20007000 | Endosinusial use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the sinuses to obtain a local effect. | Anwendung in den Nebenhöhlen | Voie endosinusale | Uso endosinusiale | Anwendung in den Nebenhöhlen |
20008000 | Endotracheopulmonary use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the trachea and/or bronchi by instillation (preparations for inhalation are excluded | endotracheopulmonale Anwendung | Voie endotrachéobronchique | Uso endotracheobronchiale | endotracheopulmonale Anwendung |
20009000 | Epidural use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the epidural space. | epidurale Anwendung | Voie péridurale | Uso epidurale | epidurale Anwendung |
20010000 | Epilesional use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product onto a lesion. | zum Auftragen auf die Wunde | Voie épilésionnelle | Uso epilesionale | zum Auftragen auf die Wunde |
20011000 | Extraamniotic use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product between chorion and amnion. | extraamniotische Anwendung | Voie extra-amniotique | Uso extra-amniotico | extraamniotische Anwendung |
20011500 | Extracorporeal use | Note: Use of a medicinal product outside the body | extrakorporale Anwendung | Voie extracorporelle | Uso extracorporeo | extrakorporale Anwendung |
20087000 | Extrapleural use | Note: Injection of a medical product dirrectly outside the pleural cavity, between the parietal pleural and the endothoracic fascia. | extrapleurale Anwendung | voie extrapleural | uso extrapleurico | extrapleurale Anwendung |
20013000 | Gastroenteral use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the stomach or duodenum gastroenteral tract by means of an appropriate device. For use only when gastric use and intestinal use do not apply. | gastrointestinale Anwendung | Voie gastro-entérale | Uso gastrointestinale | gastrointestinale Anwendung |
20013500 | Gastric use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the stomach by means of an appropriate device | zur Anwendung mittels Magensonde | Voie gastrique | Uso gastrico | zur Anwendung mittels Magensonde |
20014000 | Gingival use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the gingivae. | Anwendung am Zahnfleisch | Voie gingivale | Uso gengivale | Anwendung am Zahnfleisch |
20015000 | Haemodialysis | Note: Clearance of the blood by means of a semipermeable membrane. Previous English term 'Hemodialysis' corrected 04/07/11. | Hämodialyse | Hémodialyse | Emodialisi | Hämodialyse |
20015500 | Implantation | Note: Insertion of an implant or living tissue equivalent into living tissue. | zur Implantation | Implantation | Impianto | zur Implantation |
20019500 | Infiltration | Note: Method of administration, usually by injection, whereby a fluid passes into a target tissue (e.g. anaesthetic infiltration) | Infiltration | Infiltration | Infiltrazione | Infiltration |
20020000 | Inhalation use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the respiratory system by inhalation to obtain a systemic or a local effect in the lower respiratory tract. Nasal use and endotracheopulmonary use are excluded | zur Inhalation | Voie inhalée | Uso inalatorio | zur Inhalation |
20021000 | Intestinal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon) by means of an appropriate device. Gastroenteral use is excluded | intestinale Anwendung | Voie intestinale | Uso intestinale | intestinale Anwendung |
20022000 | Intraamniotic use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the amniotic cavity. | intraamniotische Anwendung | Voie intraamniotique | Uso intra-amniotico | intraamniotische Anwendung |
20023000 | Intraarterial use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into an artery. | intraarterielle Anwendung | Voie intraartérielle | Uso endoarterioso | intraarterielle Anwendung |
20024000 | Intraarticular use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into an articular cavity. | intraartikuläre Anwendung | Voie intraarticulaire | Uso intra-articolare | intraartikuläre Anwendung |
20025000 | Intrabursal use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into bursae and tendons. | intrabursale Anwendung | Voie intrabursale | Uso intrabursale | intrabursale Anwendung |
20025500 | Intracameral use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product directly into the anterior chamber of the eye | intrakamerale Anwendung | Voie intracamérulaire | Uso intracamerale | intrakamerale Anwendung |
20026000 | Intracardiac use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the cardiac muscle and/or cardiac cavity. | intracardiale Anwendung | Voie intracardiaque | Uso intracardiaco | intracardiale Anwendung |
20026500 | Intracartilaginous use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the cartilage | intrakartilaginäre Anwendung | Voie intracartilagineuse | Uso intracartilagineo | intrakartilaginäre Anwendung |
20027000 | Intracavernous use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the corpus cavernosum. | intrakavernöse Anwendung | Voie intracaverneuse | Uso intracavernoso | intrakavernöse Anwendung |
20027010 | Intracerebral use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product directly to the brain tissue. This term is only for use when a more-specific term (e.g. 'Intraputaminal use') is not applicable. | Intrazerebrale Anwendung | Voie intracérébrale | Uso intracerebrale | Intrazerebrale Anwendung |
20028000 | Intracervical use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the cervix uteri. | intrazervikale Anwendung | Voie intracervicale | Uso intracervicale | intrazervikale Anwendung |
20028300 | Intracholangiopancreatic use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the bile duct and the pancreatic duct, for example via a cannula introduced into the ampulla of Vater (the common opening of the ducts), usually for the administration of a contrast medium for techniques such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). | zur Anwendung in der Cholangiopankreatikographie | Voie intracholangiopancréatique | Uso intracolangiopancreatico | zur Anwendung in der Cholangiopankreatikographie |
20028500 | Intracisternal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the cisterna magna. | intracisternale Anwendung | Voie intracisternale | Uso intracisternale | intracisternale Anwendung |
20029000 | Intracoronary use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the coronary artery. | intrakoronare Anwendung | Voie intracoronaire | Uso intracoronarico | intrakoronare Anwendung |
20030000 | Intradermal use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the dermis. | intradermale Anwendung | Voie intradermique | Uso intradermico | intradermale Anwendung |
20031000 | Intradiscal use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the nucleus pulposus of an intervertebral disc. | intradiskale Anwendung | Voie intradiscale | Uso intradiscale | intradiskale Anwendung |
20031500 | Intraepidermal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the epidermis | intraepidermale Anwendung | Voie intraépidermique | Uso intraepidermico | intraepidermale Anwendung |
20031700 | Intraglandular use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product directly into a gland, usually by injection. Only to be used where more-specific terms such as 'Intraprostatic use' and 'Intramammary use' do not apply. | intraglanduläre Anwendung | Voie intraglandulaire | Uso intraghiandolare | intraglanduläre Anwendung |
20032000 | Intralesional use | Note: Administration by injection or any other means of a medicinal product directly to a lesion. | intraläsionale Anwendung | Voie intralésionnelle | Uso intralesionale | intraläsionale Anwendung |
20033000 | Intralymphatic use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into a lymphatic vessel. | intralymphatische Anwendung | Voie intralymphatique | Uso intralinfatico | intralymphatische Anwendung |
20035000 | Intramuscular use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into muscular tissue. | intramuskuläre Anwendung | Voie intramusculaire | Uso intramuscolare | intramuskuläre Anwendung |
20036000 | Intraocular use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the eye. The term 'intraocular use' is only for use when a more specific term (e.g. 'intracameral use', 'intravitreal use') does not apply. Ocular use and subconjunctival use are excluded. | intraokulare Anwendung | Voie intraoculaire | Uso intraoculare | intraokulare Anwendung |
20036500 | Intraosseous use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the bone marrow. Intrasternal use is excluded. | intraossäre Anwendung | Voie intraosseuse | Uso intraosseo | intraossäre Anwendung |
20037000 | Intrapericardial use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product to the pericardium. | Intraperikardial | Voie intrapéricardiaque | Uso intrapericardico | Intraperikardial |
20038000 | Intraperitoneal use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the peritoneal cavity. | intraperitoneale Anwendung | Voie intrapéritonéale | Uso intraperitoneale | intraperitoneale Anwendung |
20039000 | Intrapleural use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the pleural cavity. | intrapleurale Anwendung | Voie intrapleurale | Uso intrapleurico | intrapleurale Anwendung |
20039200 | Intraportal use | Note: Injection/infusion of a medicinal product into the hepatic portal vein for local delivery to the liver. | intraportale Anwendung | Voie intraportale | Uso intraportale | intraportale Anwendung |
20039500 | Intraprostatic use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the prostate | intraprostatische Anwendung | Voie intraprostatique | Uso intraprostatico | intraprostatische Anwendung |
20041000 | Intrasternal use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the bone marrow of the sternum. | intrasternale Anwendung | Voie intrasternale | Uso intrasternale | intrasternale Anwendung |
20042000 | Intrathecal use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product through the dura to the subarachnoid cavity. | intrathekale Anwendung | Voie intrathécale | Uso intratecale | intrathekale Anwendung |
20043000 | Intratumoral use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into a tumor. | intratumorale Anwendung | Voie intratumorale | Uso intratumorale | intratumorale Anwendung |
20044000 | Intrauterine use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the cavity of the uterus. | intrauterine Anwendung | Voie intra-utérine | Uso intrauterino | intrauterine Anwendung |
20045000 | Intravenous use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into a vein. | intravenöse Anwendung | Voie intraveineuse | Uso endovenoso | intravenöse Anwendung |
20046000 | Intravesical use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the urinary bladder. | intravesikale Anwendung | Voie intravésicale | Uso endovescicale | intravesikale Anwendung |
20047000 | Intravitreal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the rear chamber of the eye. | Intravitreal | Voie intravitréenne | Uso intravitreo | Intravitreal |
20047500 | Iontophoresis | Note: Introduction of (an) ionised active substance(s) through the intact skin by application of a direct electric current | zur Iontophorese | Iontophorèse | Iontoforesi | zur Iontophorese |
20048000 | Laryngopharyngeal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the laryngopharynx for a local effect (anaesthetics). | zur Anwendung im Rachen und am Kehlkopf | Voie laryngopharyngée | Uso laringofaringeo | zur Anwendung im Rachen und am Kehlkopf |
20049000 | Nasal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the nose to obtain a systemic or local effect. Inhalation therapy intended for the lower respiratory tract is excluded | nasale Anwendung | Voie nasale | Uso nasale | nasale Anwendung |
20051000 | Ocular use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product upon the eyeball and/or conjunctiva. | Anwendung am Auge | Voie ophtalmique | Uso oftalmico | Anwendung am Auge |
20053000 | Oral use | Note: Taking a medicinal product by means of swallowing. | zum Einnehmen | Voie orale | Uso orale | zum Einnehmen |
20054000 | Oromucosal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect. The term oromucosal is only for use when a more specific term (e.g. buccal, gingival, sublingual...) does not apply. Oral use is excluded. | Anwendung in der Mundhöhle | Voie buccale | Per mucosa orale | Anwendung in der Mundhöhle |
20055000 | Oropharyngeal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the oropharynx (throat) to obtain a local effect. | zur Anwendung im Mund- und Rachenraum | Voie oropharyngée | Uso orofaringeo | zur Anwendung im Mund- und Rachenraum |
20057000 | Periarticular use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product around a joint. | periartikuläre Anwendung | Voie périarticulaire | Uso periarticolare | periartikuläre Anwendung |
20058000 | Perineural use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the direct surroundings of one or more nerves. | perineurale Anwendung | Voie périneurale | Uso perineurale | perineurale Anwendung |
20059000 | Periodontal use | Note: Administration to the pouch between the tooth and the gingiva. | zur periodontalen Anwendung | Voie périodontale | Uso periodontale | zur periodontalen Anwendung |
20059300 | Periosseous use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product on or around the bone | periossäre Anwendung | Voie périosseuse | Uso periosseo | periossäre Anwendung |
20059400 | Peritumoral use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product directly into the region surrounding a tumour. | peritumorale Anwendung | Voie péritumorale | Uso peritumorale | peritumorale Anwendung |
20059500 | Posterior juxtascleral use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product beneath the sub-tenon membrane of the sclera (i.e. in the episcleral space), adjacent to the macula. | posteriore juxtasclerale Anwendung | Voie juxta-sclérale postérieure | Uso iuxtasclerale posteriore | posteriore juxtasclerale Anwendung |
20061000 | Rectal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the rectum in order to obtain a local or systemic effect. | rektale Anwendung | Voie rectale | Uso rettale | rektale Anwendung |
20061500 | Retrobulbar use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product behind the eyeball | retrobulbäre Anwendung | Voie rétrobulbaire | Uso retrobulbare | retrobulbäre Anwendung |
20062000 | Route of administration not applicable | Note: Applies to medicinal products not directly coming into contact with the body of the patient, or administration to various or non-specified anatomical sites. | Art der Anwendung nicht spezifizierbar | Autre(s) | Via di somministrazione non specificabile | Art der Anwendung nicht spezifizierbar |
20063000 | Skin scarification | Note: Administration of a medicinal product by scratching the skin. | Einritzen der Haut | Scarification | Scarificazione | Einritzen der Haut |
20065000 | Subconjunctival use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product underneath the conjunctiva. | subkonjunktivale Anwendung | Voie sous-conjonctivale | Uso subcongiuntivale | subkonjunktivale Anwendung |
20066000 | Subcutaneous use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product directly underneath the skin, i.e. subdermally | subkutane Anwendung | Voie sous-cutanée | Uso sottocutaneo | subkutane Anwendung |
20067000 | Sublingual use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product under the tongue to obtain a systemic effect. | Sublingual | Voie sublinguale | Uso sublinguale | Sublingual |
20067500 | Submucosal use | Note: Injection of a medicinal product directly underneath a mucosa | submuköse Anwendung | Voie sous-muqueuse | Uso sottomucosale | submuköse Anwendung |
20070000 | Transdermal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the skin in order to obtain a systemic effect after passing through the skin barrier. | transdermale Anwendung | Voie transdermique | Uso transdermico | transdermale Anwendung |
20071000 | Urethral use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the urethra. | Anwendung in der Harnröhre | Voie urétrale | Uso uretrale | Anwendung in der Harnröhre |
20072000 | Vaginal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the vagina. | vaginale Anwendung | Voie vaginale | Uso vaginale | vaginale Anwendung |
20080000 | Intracerebroventricular use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the cerebral ventricles (cerebral ventricular system) of the brain. | intracerebroventrikuläre Anwendung | Voie intracérébroventriculaire | Uso intracerebroventricolare | intracerebroventrikuläre Anwendung |
20081000 | Subretinal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product between the sensory retina (neural retina) and the retinal pigment epithelium of the eye. | subretinale Anwendung | Voie subrétinale | Uso sottoretinico | subretinale Anwendung |
20084000 | Intracorneal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the cornea of the eye. | intracorneale Anwendung | Voie intracornéenne | Uso intracorneale | intracorneale Anwendung |
20086000 | Intraputaminal use | Note: Administration of a medicinal product into one or both of the putamen of the brain. | Intraputaminale Anwendung | null | Intraputaminale | Intraputaminale Anwendung |
"resourceType" : "ValueSet",
"id" : "edqm-routeofadministration",
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"text" : {
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"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: ValueSet edqm-routeofadministration</b></p><a name=\"edqm-routeofadministration\"> </a><a name=\"hcedqm-routeofadministration\"> </a><a name=\"edqm-routeofadministration-en-US\"> </a><div style=\"display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%\"><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">Last updated: 2024-01-30 13:57:33+0000; </p><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">Information Source: <a href=\"\"></a></p><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">Profile: <a href=\"\">Shareable ValueSet</a></p></div><ul><li>Include these codes as defined in <a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html\"><code>urn:oid:</code></a><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Comments</b></td><td><b>Deutsch (Schweiz) (German (Switzerland), de)</b></td><td><b>French (Switzerland) (fr)</b></td><td><b>Italian (Switzerland) (it)</b></td><td><b>rm</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20001000\">20001000</a></td><td>Auricular use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the ear. </td><td>Anwendung am Ohr</td><td>Voie auriculaire</td><td>Uso auricolare</td><td>Anwendung am Ohr</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20002500\">20002500</a></td><td>Buccal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the buccal cavity (pouch located between the cheek and the gum) to obtain a systemic effect </td><td>Buccale Anwendung</td><td>Voie buccogingivale</td><td>Somministrazione buccale</td><td>Buccale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20003000\">20003000</a></td><td>Cutaneous use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the skin and/or cutaneous wounds and/or nails and/or hair in order to obtain a local effect. </td><td>Anwendung auf der Haut</td><td>Voie cutanée</td><td>Uso cutaneo</td><td>Anwendung auf der Haut</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20004000\">20004000</a></td><td>Dental use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to and/or in the teeth or, on and/or around the nerves supplying the teeth. </td><td>dentale Anwendung</td><td>Voie dentaire</td><td>Uso dentale</td><td>dentale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20006000\">20006000</a></td><td>Endocervical use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the cervix uteri. </td><td>endozervikale Anwendung</td><td>Voie endocervicale</td><td>Uso endocervicale</td><td>endozervikale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20007000\">20007000</a></td><td>Endosinusial use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the sinuses to obtain a local effect. </td><td>Anwendung in den Nebenhöhlen</td><td>Voie endosinusale</td><td>Uso endosinusiale</td><td>Anwendung in den Nebenhöhlen</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20008000\">20008000</a></td><td>Endotracheopulmonary use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the trachea and/or bronchi by instillation (preparations for inhalation are excluded </td><td>endotracheopulmonale Anwendung</td><td>Voie endotrachéobronchique</td><td>Uso endotracheobronchiale</td><td>endotracheopulmonale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20009000\">20009000</a></td><td>Epidural use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the epidural space. </td><td>epidurale Anwendung</td><td>Voie péridurale</td><td>Uso epidurale</td><td>epidurale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20010000\">20010000</a></td><td>Epilesional use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product onto a lesion. </td><td>zum Auftragen auf die Wunde</td><td>Voie épilésionnelle</td><td>Uso epilesionale</td><td>zum Auftragen auf die Wunde</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20011000\">20011000</a></td><td>Extraamniotic use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product between chorion and amnion. </td><td>extraamniotische Anwendung</td><td>Voie extra-amniotique</td><td>Uso extra-amniotico</td><td>extraamniotische Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20011500\">20011500</a></td><td>Extracorporeal use</td><td>Note: Use of a medicinal product outside the body </td><td>extrakorporale Anwendung</td><td>Voie extracorporelle</td><td>Uso extracorporeo</td><td>extrakorporale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20087000\">20087000</a></td><td>Extrapleural use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medical product dirrectly outside the pleural cavity, between the parietal pleural and the endothoracic fascia. </td><td>extrapleurale Anwendung</td><td>voie extrapleural</td><td>uso extrapleurico</td><td>extrapleurale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20013000\">20013000</a></td><td>Gastroenteral use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the stomach or duodenum gastroenteral tract by means of an appropriate device. For use only when gastric use and intestinal use do not apply. </td><td>gastrointestinale Anwendung</td><td>Voie gastro-entérale</td><td>Uso gastrointestinale</td><td>gastrointestinale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20013500\">20013500</a></td><td>Gastric use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the stomach by means of an appropriate device </td><td>zur Anwendung mittels Magensonde</td><td>Voie gastrique</td><td>Uso gastrico</td><td>zur Anwendung mittels Magensonde</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20014000\">20014000</a></td><td>Gingival use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the gingivae. </td><td>Anwendung am Zahnfleisch</td><td>Voie gingivale</td><td>Uso gengivale</td><td>Anwendung am Zahnfleisch</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20015000\">20015000</a></td><td>Haemodialysis</td><td>Note: Clearance of the blood by means of a semipermeable membrane. Previous English term 'Hemodialysis' corrected 04/07/11. </td><td>Hämodialyse</td><td>Hémodialyse</td><td>Emodialisi</td><td>Hämodialyse</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20015500\">20015500</a></td><td>Implantation</td><td>Note: Insertion of an implant or living tissue equivalent into living tissue. </td><td>zur Implantation</td><td>Implantation</td><td>Impianto</td><td>zur Implantation</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20019500\">20019500</a></td><td>Infiltration</td><td>Note: Method of administration, usually by injection, whereby a fluid passes into a target tissue (e.g. anaesthetic infiltration) </td><td>Infiltration</td><td>Infiltration</td><td>Infiltrazione</td><td>Infiltration</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20020000\">20020000</a></td><td>Inhalation use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the respiratory system by inhalation to obtain a systemic or a local effect in the lower respiratory tract. Nasal use and endotracheopulmonary use are excluded </td><td>zur Inhalation</td><td>Voie inhalée</td><td>Uso inalatorio</td><td>zur Inhalation</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20021000\">20021000</a></td><td>Intestinal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon) by means of an appropriate device. Gastroenteral use is excluded </td><td>intestinale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intestinale</td><td>Uso intestinale</td><td>intestinale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20022000\">20022000</a></td><td>Intraamniotic use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the amniotic cavity. </td><td>intraamniotische Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraamniotique</td><td>Uso intra-amniotico</td><td>intraamniotische Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20023000\">20023000</a></td><td>Intraarterial use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into an artery. </td><td>intraarterielle Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraartérielle</td><td>Uso endoarterioso</td><td>intraarterielle Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20024000\">20024000</a></td><td>Intraarticular use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into an articular cavity. </td><td>intraartikuläre Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraarticulaire</td><td>Uso intra-articolare</td><td>intraartikuläre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20025000\">20025000</a></td><td>Intrabursal use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into bursae and tendons. </td><td>intrabursale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intrabursale</td><td>Uso intrabursale</td><td>intrabursale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20025500\">20025500</a></td><td>Intracameral use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product directly into the anterior chamber of the eye </td><td>intrakamerale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracamérulaire</td><td>Uso intracamerale</td><td>intrakamerale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20026000\">20026000</a></td><td>Intracardiac use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the cardiac muscle and/or cardiac cavity. </td><td>intracardiale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracardiaque</td><td>Uso intracardiaco</td><td>intracardiale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20026500\">20026500</a></td><td>Intracartilaginous use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the cartilage </td><td>intrakartilaginäre Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracartilagineuse</td><td>Uso intracartilagineo</td><td>intrakartilaginäre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20027000\">20027000</a></td><td>Intracavernous use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the corpus cavernosum. </td><td>intrakavernöse Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracaverneuse</td><td>Uso intracavernoso</td><td>intrakavernöse Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20027010\">20027010</a></td><td>Intracerebral use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product directly to the brain tissue. This term is only for use when a more-specific term (e.g. 'Intraputaminal use') is not applicable. </td><td>Intrazerebrale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracérébrale</td><td>Uso intracerebrale</td><td>Intrazerebrale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20028000\">20028000</a></td><td>Intracervical use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the cervix uteri. </td><td>intrazervikale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracervicale</td><td>Uso intracervicale</td><td>intrazervikale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20028300\">20028300</a></td><td>Intracholangiopancreatic use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the bile duct and the pancreatic duct, for example via a cannula introduced into the ampulla of Vater (the common opening of the ducts), usually for the administration of a contrast medium for techniques such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). </td><td>zur Anwendung in der Cholangiopankreatikographie</td><td>Voie intracholangiopancréatique</td><td>Uso intracolangiopancreatico</td><td>zur Anwendung in der Cholangiopankreatikographie</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20028500\">20028500</a></td><td>Intracisternal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the cisterna magna. </td><td>intracisternale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracisternale</td><td>Uso intracisternale</td><td>intracisternale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20029000\">20029000</a></td><td>Intracoronary use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the coronary artery. </td><td>intrakoronare Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracoronaire</td><td>Uso intracoronarico</td><td>intrakoronare Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20030000\">20030000</a></td><td>Intradermal use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the dermis. </td><td>intradermale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intradermique</td><td>Uso intradermico</td><td>intradermale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20031000\">20031000</a></td><td>Intradiscal use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the nucleus pulposus of an intervertebral disc. </td><td>intradiskale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intradiscale</td><td>Uso intradiscale</td><td>intradiskale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20031500\">20031500</a></td><td>Intraepidermal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the epidermis </td><td>intraepidermale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraépidermique</td><td>Uso intraepidermico</td><td>intraepidermale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20031700\">20031700</a></td><td>Intraglandular use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product directly into a gland, usually by injection. Only to be used where more-specific terms such as 'Intraprostatic use' and 'Intramammary use' do not apply. </td><td>intraglanduläre Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraglandulaire</td><td>Uso intraghiandolare</td><td>intraglanduläre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20032000\">20032000</a></td><td>Intralesional use</td><td>Note: Administration by injection or any other means of a medicinal product directly to a lesion. </td><td>intraläsionale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intralésionnelle</td><td>Uso intralesionale</td><td>intraläsionale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20033000\">20033000</a></td><td>Intralymphatic use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into a lymphatic vessel. </td><td>intralymphatische Anwendung</td><td>Voie intralymphatique</td><td>Uso intralinfatico</td><td>intralymphatische Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20035000\">20035000</a></td><td>Intramuscular use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into muscular tissue. </td><td>intramuskuläre Anwendung</td><td>Voie intramusculaire</td><td>Uso intramuscolare</td><td>intramuskuläre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20036000\">20036000</a></td><td>Intraocular use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the eye. The term 'intraocular use' is only for use when a more specific term (e.g. 'intracameral use', 'intravitreal use') does not apply. Ocular use and subconjunctival use are excluded. </td><td>intraokulare Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraoculaire</td><td>Uso intraoculare</td><td>intraokulare Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20036500\">20036500</a></td><td>Intraosseous use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the bone marrow. Intrasternal use is excluded. </td><td>intraossäre Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraosseuse</td><td>Uso intraosseo</td><td>intraossäre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20037000\">20037000</a></td><td>Intrapericardial use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product to the pericardium. </td><td>Intraperikardial</td><td>Voie intrapéricardiaque</td><td>Uso intrapericardico</td><td>Intraperikardial</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20038000\">20038000</a></td><td>Intraperitoneal use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the peritoneal cavity. </td><td>intraperitoneale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intrapéritonéale</td><td>Uso intraperitoneale</td><td>intraperitoneale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20039000\">20039000</a></td><td>Intrapleural use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the pleural cavity. </td><td>intrapleurale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intrapleurale</td><td>Uso intrapleurico</td><td>intrapleurale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20039200\">20039200</a></td><td>Intraportal use</td><td>Note: Injection/infusion of a medicinal product into the hepatic portal vein for local delivery to the liver. </td><td>intraportale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraportale</td><td>Uso intraportale</td><td>intraportale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20039500\">20039500</a></td><td>Intraprostatic use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the prostate </td><td>intraprostatische Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraprostatique</td><td>Uso intraprostatico</td><td>intraprostatische Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20041000\">20041000</a></td><td>Intrasternal use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the bone marrow of the sternum. </td><td>intrasternale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intrasternale</td><td>Uso intrasternale</td><td>intrasternale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20042000\">20042000</a></td><td>Intrathecal use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product through the dura to the subarachnoid cavity. </td><td>intrathekale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intrathécale</td><td>Uso intratecale</td><td>intrathekale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20043000\">20043000</a></td><td>Intratumoral use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into a tumor. </td><td>intratumorale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intratumorale</td><td>Uso intratumorale</td><td>intratumorale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20044000\">20044000</a></td><td>Intrauterine use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the cavity of the uterus. </td><td>intrauterine Anwendung</td><td>Voie intra-utérine</td><td>Uso intrauterino</td><td>intrauterine Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20045000\">20045000</a></td><td>Intravenous use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into a vein. </td><td>intravenöse Anwendung</td><td>Voie intraveineuse</td><td>Uso endovenoso</td><td>intravenöse Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20046000\">20046000</a></td><td>Intravesical use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the urinary bladder. </td><td>intravesikale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intravésicale</td><td>Uso endovescicale</td><td>intravesikale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20047000\">20047000</a></td><td>Intravitreal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the rear chamber of the eye. </td><td>Intravitreal</td><td>Voie intravitréenne</td><td>Uso intravitreo</td><td>Intravitreal</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20047500\">20047500</a></td><td>Iontophoresis</td><td>Note: Introduction of (an) ionised active substance(s) through the intact skin by application of a direct electric current </td><td>zur Iontophorese</td><td>Iontophorèse</td><td>Iontoforesi</td><td>zur Iontophorese</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20048000\">20048000</a></td><td>Laryngopharyngeal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the laryngopharynx for a local effect (anaesthetics). </td><td>zur Anwendung im Rachen und am Kehlkopf</td><td>Voie laryngopharyngée</td><td>Uso laringofaringeo</td><td>zur Anwendung im Rachen und am Kehlkopf</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20049000\">20049000</a></td><td>Nasal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the nose to obtain a systemic or local effect. Inhalation therapy intended for the lower respiratory tract is excluded </td><td>nasale Anwendung</td><td>Voie nasale</td><td>Uso nasale</td><td>nasale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20051000\">20051000</a></td><td>Ocular use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product upon the eyeball and/or conjunctiva. </td><td>Anwendung am Auge</td><td>Voie ophtalmique</td><td>Uso oftalmico</td><td>Anwendung am Auge</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20053000\">20053000</a></td><td>Oral use</td><td>Note: Taking a medicinal product by means of swallowing. </td><td>zum Einnehmen</td><td>Voie orale</td><td>Uso orale</td><td>zum Einnehmen</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20054000\">20054000</a></td><td>Oromucosal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect. The term oromucosal is only for use when a more specific term (e.g. buccal, gingival, sublingual...) does not apply. Oral use is excluded. </td><td>Anwendung in der Mundhöhle</td><td>Voie buccale</td><td>Per mucosa orale</td><td>Anwendung in der Mundhöhle</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20055000\">20055000</a></td><td>Oropharyngeal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the oropharynx (throat) to obtain a local effect. </td><td>zur Anwendung im Mund- und Rachenraum</td><td>Voie oropharyngée</td><td>Uso orofaringeo</td><td>zur Anwendung im Mund- und Rachenraum</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20057000\">20057000</a></td><td>Periarticular use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product around a joint. </td><td>periartikuläre Anwendung</td><td>Voie périarticulaire</td><td>Uso periarticolare</td><td>periartikuläre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20058000\">20058000</a></td><td>Perineural use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product into the direct surroundings of one or more nerves. </td><td>perineurale Anwendung</td><td>Voie périneurale</td><td>Uso perineurale</td><td>perineurale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20059000\">20059000</a></td><td>Periodontal use</td><td>Note: Administration to the pouch between the tooth and the gingiva. </td><td>zur periodontalen Anwendung</td><td>Voie périodontale</td><td>Uso periodontale</td><td>zur periodontalen Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20059300\">20059300</a></td><td>Periosseous use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product on or around the bone </td><td>periossäre Anwendung</td><td>Voie périosseuse</td><td>Uso periosseo</td><td>periossäre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20059400\">20059400</a></td><td>Peritumoral use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product directly into the region surrounding a tumour. </td><td>peritumorale Anwendung</td><td>Voie péritumorale</td><td>Uso peritumorale</td><td>peritumorale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20059500\">20059500</a></td><td>Posterior juxtascleral use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product beneath the sub-tenon membrane of the sclera (i.e. in the episcleral space), adjacent to the macula. </td><td>posteriore juxtasclerale Anwendung</td><td>Voie juxta-sclérale postérieure</td><td>Uso iuxtasclerale posteriore</td><td>posteriore juxtasclerale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20061000\">20061000</a></td><td>Rectal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the rectum in order to obtain a local or systemic effect. </td><td>rektale Anwendung</td><td>Voie rectale</td><td>Uso rettale</td><td>rektale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20061500\">20061500</a></td><td>Retrobulbar use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product behind the eyeball </td><td>retrobulbäre Anwendung</td><td>Voie rétrobulbaire</td><td>Uso retrobulbare</td><td>retrobulbäre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20062000\">20062000</a></td><td>Route of administration not applicable</td><td>Note: Applies to medicinal products not directly coming into contact with the body of the patient, or administration to various or non-specified anatomical sites. </td><td>Art der Anwendung nicht spezifizierbar</td><td>Autre(s)</td><td>Via di somministrazione non specificabile</td><td>Art der Anwendung nicht spezifizierbar</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20063000\">20063000</a></td><td>Skin scarification</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product by scratching the skin. </td><td>Einritzen der Haut</td><td>Scarification</td><td>Scarificazione</td><td>Einritzen der Haut</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20065000\">20065000</a></td><td>Subconjunctival use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product underneath the conjunctiva. </td><td>subkonjunktivale Anwendung</td><td>Voie sous-conjonctivale</td><td>Uso subcongiuntivale</td><td>subkonjunktivale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20066000\">20066000</a></td><td>Subcutaneous use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product directly underneath the skin, i.e. subdermally </td><td>subkutane Anwendung</td><td>Voie sous-cutanée</td><td>Uso sottocutaneo</td><td>subkutane Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20067000\">20067000</a></td><td>Sublingual use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product under the tongue to obtain a systemic effect. </td><td>Sublingual</td><td>Voie sublinguale</td><td>Uso sublinguale</td><td>Sublingual</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20067500\">20067500</a></td><td>Submucosal use</td><td>Note: Injection of a medicinal product directly underneath a mucosa </td><td>submuköse Anwendung</td><td>Voie sous-muqueuse</td><td>Uso sottomucosale</td><td>submuköse Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20070000\">20070000</a></td><td>Transdermal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the skin in order to obtain a systemic effect after passing through the skin barrier. </td><td>transdermale Anwendung</td><td>Voie transdermique</td><td>Uso transdermico</td><td>transdermale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20071000\">20071000</a></td><td>Urethral use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the urethra. </td><td>Anwendung in der Harnröhre</td><td>Voie urétrale</td><td>Uso uretrale</td><td>Anwendung in der Harnröhre</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20072000\">20072000</a></td><td>Vaginal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product to the vagina. </td><td>vaginale Anwendung</td><td>Voie vaginale</td><td>Uso vaginale</td><td>vaginale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20080000\">20080000</a></td><td>Intracerebroventricular use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the cerebral ventricles (cerebral ventricular system) of the brain. </td><td>intracerebroventrikuläre Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracérébroventriculaire</td><td>Uso intracerebroventricolare</td><td>intracerebroventrikuläre Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20081000\">20081000</a></td><td>Subretinal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product between the sensory retina (neural retina) and the retinal pigment epithelium of the eye. </td><td>subretinale Anwendung</td><td>Voie subrétinale</td><td>Uso sottoretinico</td><td>subretinale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20084000\">20084000</a></td><td>Intracorneal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into the cornea of the eye. </td><td>intracorneale Anwendung</td><td>Voie intracornéenne</td><td>Uso intracorneale</td><td>intracorneale Anwendung</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"CodeSystem-edqm-standardterms.html#edqm-standardterms-20086000\">20086000</a></td><td>Intraputaminal use</td><td>Note: Administration of a medicinal product into one or both of the putamen of the brain. </td><td>Intraputaminale Anwendung</td><td>null</td><td>Intraputaminale</td><td>Intraputaminale Anwendung</td></tr></table></li></ul></div>"
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"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the ear."
"code" : "20001000",
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"value" : "Anwendung am Ohr"
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"value" : "Voie auriculaire"
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"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the buccal cavity (pouch located between the cheek and the gum) to obtain a systemic effect"
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"value" : "Voie buccogingivale"
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"value" : "Somministrazione buccale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
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"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the skin and/or cutaneous wounds and/or nails and/or hair in order to obtain a local effect."
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"value" : "Anwendung auf der Haut"
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"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to and/or in the teeth or, on and/or around the nerves supplying the teeth."
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"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the cervix uteri."
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"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the sinuses to obtain a local effect."
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"value" : "Anwendung in den Nebenhöhlen"
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"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the trachea and/or bronchi by instillation (preparations for inhalation are excluded"
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"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the epidural space."
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"value" : "Voie péridurale"
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"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product onto a lesion."
"code" : "20010000",
"display" : "Epilesional use",
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"value" : "zum Auftragen auf die Wunde"
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"value" : "Uso epilesionale"
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"value" : "zum Auftragen auf die Wunde"
"extension" : [
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"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product between chorion and amnion."
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"display" : "Extraamniotic use",
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"value" : "extraamniotische Anwendung"
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"value" : "Voie extra-amniotique"
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"value" : "Uso extra-amniotico"
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"value" : "extraamniotische Anwendung"
"extension" : [
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"valueString" : "Use of a medicinal product outside the body"
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"display" : "Extracorporeal use",
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"value" : "extrakorporale Anwendung"
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"value" : "Voie extracorporelle"
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"value" : "Uso extracorporeo"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "extrakorporale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medical product dirrectly outside the pleural cavity, between the parietal pleural and the endothoracic fascia."
"code" : "20087000",
"display" : "Extrapleural use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "extrapleurale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "voie extrapleural"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "uso extrapleurico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "extrapleurale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the stomach or duodenum gastroenteral tract by means of an appropriate device. For use only when gastric use and intestinal use do not apply."
"code" : "20013000",
"display" : "Gastroenteral use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "gastrointestinale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie gastro-entérale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso gastrointestinale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "gastrointestinale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the stomach by means of an appropriate device"
"code" : "20013500",
"display" : "Gastric use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zur Anwendung mittels Magensonde"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie gastrique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso gastrico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zur Anwendung mittels Magensonde"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the gingivae."
"code" : "20014000",
"display" : "Gingival use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Anwendung am Zahnfleisch"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie gingivale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso gengivale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Anwendung am Zahnfleisch"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Clearance of the blood by means of a semipermeable membrane. Previous English term 'Hemodialysis' corrected 04/07/11."
"code" : "20015000",
"display" : "Haemodialysis",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Hämodialyse"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Hémodialyse"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Emodialisi"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Hämodialyse"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Insertion of an implant or living tissue equivalent into living tissue."
"code" : "20015500",
"display" : "Implantation",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zur Implantation"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Implantation"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Impianto"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zur Implantation"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Method of administration, usually by injection, whereby a fluid passes into a target tissue (e.g. anaesthetic infiltration)"
"code" : "20019500",
"display" : "Infiltration",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Infiltration"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Infiltration"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Infiltrazione"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Infiltration"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the respiratory system by inhalation to obtain a systemic or a local effect in the lower respiratory tract. Nasal use and endotracheopulmonary use are excluded"
"code" : "20020000",
"display" : "Inhalation use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zur Inhalation"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie inhalée"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso inalatorio"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zur Inhalation"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon) by means of an appropriate device. Gastroenteral use is excluded"
"code" : "20021000",
"display" : "Intestinal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intestinale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intestinale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intestinale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intestinale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the amniotic cavity."
"code" : "20022000",
"display" : "Intraamniotic use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraamniotische Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraamniotique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intra-amniotico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraamniotische Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into an artery."
"code" : "20023000",
"display" : "Intraarterial use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraarterielle Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraartérielle"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso endoarterioso"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraarterielle Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into an articular cavity."
"code" : "20024000",
"display" : "Intraarticular use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraartikuläre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraarticulaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intra-articolare"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraartikuläre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into bursae and tendons."
"code" : "20025000",
"display" : "Intrabursal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrabursale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intrabursale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intrabursale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrabursale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product directly into the anterior chamber of the eye"
"code" : "20025500",
"display" : "Intracameral use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrakamerale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracamérulaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracamerale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrakamerale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the cardiac muscle and/or cardiac cavity."
"code" : "20026000",
"display" : "Intracardiac use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intracardiale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracardiaque"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracardiaco"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intracardiale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the cartilage"
"code" : "20026500",
"display" : "Intracartilaginous use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrakartilaginäre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracartilagineuse"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracartilagineo"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrakartilaginäre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the corpus cavernosum."
"code" : "20027000",
"display" : "Intracavernous use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrakavernöse Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracaverneuse"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracavernoso"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrakavernöse Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product directly to the brain tissue. This term is only for use when a more-specific term (e.g. 'Intraputaminal use') is not applicable."
"code" : "20027010",
"display" : "Intracerebral use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Intrazerebrale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracérébrale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracerebrale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Intrazerebrale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the cervix uteri."
"code" : "20028000",
"display" : "Intracervical use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrazervikale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracervicale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracervicale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrazervikale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the bile duct and the pancreatic duct, for example via a cannula introduced into the ampulla of Vater (the common opening of the ducts), usually for the administration of a contrast medium for techniques such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)."
"code" : "20028300",
"display" : "Intracholangiopancreatic use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zur Anwendung in der Cholangiopankreatikographie"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracholangiopancréatique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracolangiopancreatico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zur Anwendung in der Cholangiopankreatikographie"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the cisterna magna."
"code" : "20028500",
"display" : "Intracisternal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intracisternale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracisternale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracisternale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intracisternale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the coronary artery."
"code" : "20029000",
"display" : "Intracoronary use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrakoronare Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracoronaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracoronarico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrakoronare Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the dermis."
"code" : "20030000",
"display" : "Intradermal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intradermale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intradermique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intradermico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intradermale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the nucleus pulposus of an intervertebral disc."
"code" : "20031000",
"display" : "Intradiscal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intradiskale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intradiscale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intradiscale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intradiskale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the epidermis"
"code" : "20031500",
"display" : "Intraepidermal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraepidermale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraépidermique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intraepidermico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraepidermale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product directly into a gland, usually by injection. Only to be used where more-specific terms such as 'Intraprostatic use' and 'Intramammary use' do not apply."
"code" : "20031700",
"display" : "Intraglandular use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraglanduläre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraglandulaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intraghiandolare"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraglanduläre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration by injection or any other means of a medicinal product directly to a lesion."
"code" : "20032000",
"display" : "Intralesional use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraläsionale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intralésionnelle"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intralesionale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraläsionale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into a lymphatic vessel."
"code" : "20033000",
"display" : "Intralymphatic use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intralymphatische Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intralymphatique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intralinfatico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intralymphatische Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into muscular tissue."
"code" : "20035000",
"display" : "Intramuscular use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intramuskuläre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intramusculaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intramuscolare"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intramuskuläre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the eye. The term 'intraocular use' is only for use when a more specific term (e.g. 'intracameral use', 'intravitreal use') does not apply. Ocular use and subconjunctival use are excluded."
"code" : "20036000",
"display" : "Intraocular use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraokulare Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraoculaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intraoculare"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraokulare Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the bone marrow. Intrasternal use is excluded."
"code" : "20036500",
"display" : "Intraosseous use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraossäre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraosseuse"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intraosseo"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraossäre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product to the pericardium."
"code" : "20037000",
"display" : "Intrapericardial use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Intraperikardial"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intrapéricardiaque"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intrapericardico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Intraperikardial"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the peritoneal cavity."
"code" : "20038000",
"display" : "Intraperitoneal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraperitoneale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intrapéritonéale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intraperitoneale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraperitoneale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the pleural cavity."
"code" : "20039000",
"display" : "Intrapleural use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrapleurale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intrapleurale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intrapleurico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrapleurale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection/infusion of a medicinal product into the hepatic portal vein for local delivery to the liver."
"code" : "20039200",
"display" : "Intraportal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraportale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraportale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intraportale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraportale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the prostate"
"code" : "20039500",
"display" : "Intraprostatic use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intraprostatische Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraprostatique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intraprostatico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intraprostatische Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the bone marrow of the sternum."
"code" : "20041000",
"display" : "Intrasternal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrasternale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intrasternale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intrasternale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrasternale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product through the dura to the subarachnoid cavity."
"code" : "20042000",
"display" : "Intrathecal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrathekale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intrathécale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intratecale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrathekale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into a tumor."
"code" : "20043000",
"display" : "Intratumoral use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intratumorale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intratumorale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intratumorale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intratumorale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the cavity of the uterus."
"code" : "20044000",
"display" : "Intrauterine use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intrauterine Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intra-utérine"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intrauterino"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intrauterine Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into a vein."
"code" : "20045000",
"display" : "Intravenous use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intravenöse Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intraveineuse"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso endovenoso"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intravenöse Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the urinary bladder."
"code" : "20046000",
"display" : "Intravesical use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intravesikale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intravésicale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso endovescicale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intravesikale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the rear chamber of the eye."
"code" : "20047000",
"display" : "Intravitreal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Intravitreal"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intravitréenne"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intravitreo"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Intravitreal"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Introduction of (an) ionised active substance(s) through the intact skin by application of a direct electric current"
"code" : "20047500",
"display" : "Iontophoresis",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zur Iontophorese"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Iontophorèse"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Iontoforesi"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zur Iontophorese"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the laryngopharynx for a local effect (anaesthetics)."
"code" : "20048000",
"display" : "Laryngopharyngeal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zur Anwendung im Rachen und am Kehlkopf"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie laryngopharyngée"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso laringofaringeo"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zur Anwendung im Rachen und am Kehlkopf"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the nose to obtain a systemic or local effect. Inhalation therapy intended for the lower respiratory tract is excluded"
"code" : "20049000",
"display" : "Nasal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "nasale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie nasale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso nasale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "nasale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product upon the eyeball and/or conjunctiva."
"code" : "20051000",
"display" : "Ocular use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Anwendung am Auge"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie ophtalmique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso oftalmico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Anwendung am Auge"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Taking a medicinal product by means of swallowing."
"code" : "20053000",
"display" : "Oral use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zum Einnehmen"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie orale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso orale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zum Einnehmen"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the oral cavity to obtain either a systemic or a local effect. The term oromucosal is only for use when a more specific term (e.g. buccal, gingival, sublingual...) does not apply. Oral use is excluded."
"code" : "20054000",
"display" : "Oromucosal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Anwendung in der Mundhöhle"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie buccale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Per mucosa orale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Anwendung in der Mundhöhle"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the oropharynx (throat) to obtain a local effect."
"code" : "20055000",
"display" : "Oropharyngeal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zur Anwendung im Mund- und Rachenraum"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie oropharyngée"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso orofaringeo"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zur Anwendung im Mund- und Rachenraum"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product around a joint."
"code" : "20057000",
"display" : "Periarticular use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "periartikuläre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie périarticulaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso periarticolare"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "periartikuläre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product into the direct surroundings of one or more nerves."
"code" : "20058000",
"display" : "Perineural use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "perineurale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie périneurale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso perineurale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "perineurale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration to the pouch between the tooth and the gingiva."
"code" : "20059000",
"display" : "Periodontal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "zur periodontalen Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie périodontale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso periodontale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "zur periodontalen Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product on or around the bone"
"code" : "20059300",
"display" : "Periosseous use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "periossäre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie périosseuse"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso periosseo"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "periossäre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product directly into the region surrounding a tumour."
"code" : "20059400",
"display" : "Peritumoral use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "peritumorale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie péritumorale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso peritumorale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "peritumorale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product beneath the sub-tenon membrane of the sclera (i.e. in the episcleral space), adjacent to the macula."
"code" : "20059500",
"display" : "Posterior juxtascleral use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "posteriore juxtasclerale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie juxta-sclérale postérieure"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso iuxtasclerale posteriore"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "posteriore juxtasclerale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the rectum in order to obtain a local or systemic effect."
"code" : "20061000",
"display" : "Rectal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "rektale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie rectale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso rettale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "rektale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product behind the eyeball"
"code" : "20061500",
"display" : "Retrobulbar use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "retrobulbäre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie rétrobulbaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso retrobulbare"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "retrobulbäre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Applies to medicinal products not directly coming into contact with the body of the patient, or administration to various or non-specified anatomical sites."
"code" : "20062000",
"display" : "Route of administration not applicable",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Art der Anwendung nicht spezifizierbar"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Autre(s)"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Via di somministrazione non specificabile"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Art der Anwendung nicht spezifizierbar"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product by scratching the skin."
"code" : "20063000",
"display" : "Skin scarification",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Einritzen der Haut"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Scarification"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Scarificazione"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Einritzen der Haut"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product underneath the conjunctiva."
"code" : "20065000",
"display" : "Subconjunctival use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "subkonjunktivale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie sous-conjonctivale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso subcongiuntivale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "subkonjunktivale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product directly underneath the skin, i.e. subdermally"
"code" : "20066000",
"display" : "Subcutaneous use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "subkutane Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie sous-cutanée"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso sottocutaneo"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "subkutane Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product under the tongue to obtain a systemic effect."
"code" : "20067000",
"display" : "Sublingual use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Sublingual"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie sublinguale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso sublinguale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Sublingual"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Injection of a medicinal product directly underneath a mucosa"
"code" : "20067500",
"display" : "Submucosal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "submuköse Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie sous-muqueuse"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso sottomucosale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "submuköse Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the skin in order to obtain a systemic effect after passing through the skin barrier."
"code" : "20070000",
"display" : "Transdermal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "transdermale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie transdermique"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso transdermico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "transdermale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the urethra."
"code" : "20071000",
"display" : "Urethral use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Anwendung in der Harnröhre"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie urétrale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso uretrale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Anwendung in der Harnröhre"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product to the vagina."
"code" : "20072000",
"display" : "Vaginal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "vaginale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie vaginale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso vaginale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "vaginale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the cerebral ventricles (cerebral ventricular system) of the brain."
"code" : "20080000",
"display" : "Intracerebroventricular use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intracerebroventrikuläre Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracérébroventriculaire"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracerebroventricolare"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intracerebroventrikuläre Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product between the sensory retina (neural retina) and the retinal pigment epithelium of the eye."
"code" : "20081000",
"display" : "Subretinal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "subretinale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie subrétinale"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso sottoretinico"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "subretinale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into the cornea of the eye."
"code" : "20084000",
"display" : "Intracorneal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "intracorneale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "Voie intracornéenne"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Uso intracorneale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "intracorneale Anwendung"
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Administration of a medicinal product into one or both of the putamen of the brain."
"code" : "20086000",
"display" : "Intraputaminal use",
"designation" : [
"language" : "de-CH",
"value" : "Intraputaminale Anwendung"
"language" : "fr-CH",
"value" : "null"
"language" : "it-CH",
"value" : "Intraputaminale"
"language" : "rm-CH",
"value" : "Intraputaminale Anwendung"
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